Meet with beautiful 0909ek, bride from Russia

0909ek is offline now
  She is 39 y/o female, Zodiac: Aquarius from Uglich, Russia
  This Russian mail order bride speak by: English(Basic)
She work in as журналистика
Last online: 7 January 2012
Russian bride ID: 1000425582
Is she a Russian Scammer? This site verified by SCAMMERS.RU
Private details and contact information
Sex:     female
Children:     without children
Want children:     I will tell you later
Height:     5'4" - 5'5" (161-165cm)
Body type:     Slim
Religion:     Orthodox
Marital status:     Single
Education:     Higher Education
Smoker:     No
Drinker:     No
Details of the person you are looking for
I look for a:     male
Looking for an age range:     25-32
Looking for a height:     5'10" - 5'11" (176-180cm)
Looking for a body type:    
Relationship:   Marriage, Relationship

Russian bride Ekaterina Looking for a man 25-32

Привлекательная и жизнерадостная девушка с добрым сердцем и мягким характером. Хочу познакомиться с молодым человеком, который бы мог не только разделить мои интересы, но и поддержать в трудную минуту.
Ideal match description
Умный, воспитанный, без вредных привычек (обязательное условие) и чуткий молодой человек, который стал бы хорошим спутником жизни.

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Some from our articles about Russian Brides

  Now you can find thousands of sites dedicated to dating. It seems that finding a mate has become as easy as boiling a kettle. In fact, this is not at all true. A dating site has become an element of everyday life, almost everyone has an account on a particular dating network, which leads to the fact that there are a huge number of people on dating sites who actually are not looking for anyone. They may already be married, just spend their time this way or just keep quiet correspondence for years, not intending to actually build a relationship with someone. Not to mention the banal scammers who impersonate people of a different age and gender with the aim of weaning money from inattentive users. Sometimes it seems that meeting a girl on the street was easier than now on the Internet - especially if you are looking for a woman for a serious relationship.
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