Texting tips: how to keep their interest between dates

So, how to keep their interest?

Texting is key to keeping your dates interest while you’re waiting to meet up. Dating expert and coach Svetlana Leonova shares his top texting tips

If you want to keep the momentum going before, after, and between dates, then your phone can be the greatest tool at your disposal. A few texts every now and again can work wonders to keep you at the front of their mind. Even so, so many people get this wrong as they don’t know what they should be saying in those texts. So today, I’m going to give you my Dating Coach advice so you’ll know exactly what you need to do in order to build attraction over text.

Assume that you already know each other

The first thing you need to do is to act as if you’re already close – this immediately puts the other person at ease and takes the pressure off. Keep the conversation light, as if you’ve been dating for ages, even if you’ve yet to meet. By doing this you will be much more friendly, relaxed and playful in your texts. Never be too sexual as this can scare them away, but don’t be afraid to use emoticons or emojis to show that you’re flirting.

Some great examples are:

‘Hey you, so, what have you been up to today? :)’

‘So, how did your meeting go? I bet you nailed it!’

Create intrigue

Treat your texts as if they were little gold nuggets: use them sparingly and they’ll be much more powerful. Give the person you’re texting space and let them wonder what you might be doing and thinking, rather than bombarding them with messages every five minutes.

When you do message them, make it count and make sure you get them thinking. Something like this perfect:

‘Bet you can’t guess what I’m doing right now…x’

‘Don’t plan anything Friday…because I’ve got plans for you! :)’

If they don’t text back for a little while, don’t panic. It doesn’t mean that they’ve lost interest, just that life has gotten in the way.

The worst thing you can do is send another text a few minutes (or hours) later to ask if they got your first message or to demand to know why they didn’t reply. This can look needy and desperate, killing off any excitement and destroying the air of mystery.

Make sure you’re always in their thoughts

Texting last thing at night is often the best time to get their attention – that way you’ll be in their thoughts just before they head to bed. If you text first thing in the morning or in the middle of a busy work day, then it might be quickly forgotten as there will be other things on their mind.

Why not be a little cheeky and send them something this:

‘Hey! Stop thinking about me ;)’

Build momentum

Effective text flirting is really just like the two of you dancing together. One of you will say something and then the other follows or counters. The process continues until you get to know each other, so make sure that you keep the conversation flowing without it fizzling out. To do this, you have to be creative and ask questions that might surprise them.

How about:

‘You have a cheeky smile – when you were younger, what did you get in trouble for?’

Pick up the phone

While texting is an incredibly useful thing to do between dates, don’t forget that the main purpose of a phone is for talking! This is something that so many people seem too afraid to do nowadays, which is a real shame.

The whole point of flirting over text is to build up your relationship to the point where both of you can pick up the phone and call each other directly. It’s only by having a proper conversation that you’ll be in with a chance of making things work long-term.

I hope that these tips will help you build your relationships in a much more meaningful manner. Just remember that the only real way you’ll make a true, long-lasting connection is by meeting face to face. So, start sending messages and setting up dates today – happy dating!


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